Our work

Together, the MEU works to support the regional economy for the good of its communities, businesses and students.

Through campaigns, public engagement activities, research and partnership working, our universities deliver tangible results that positively impact upon and celebrate our region.  

Our priorities are to: 

  • stimulate and support innovation and productivity in the priority sectors identified by the Midlands Engine, such as green growth, innovation and productivity, internationalisation and skills development
  • create a more diverse postgraduate research base which will have a direct impact on the knowledge economy through closer links with industry
  • support entrepreneurs and enterprises of any size and at any stage in the growth cycle
  • build on our collective expertise and international links to increase inward investment and exports post-Brexit
  • support lifelong learning and the mobility of individuals through the Midlands Credit Compass
  • continue to be a key partner for the Midlands Engine and support its ambition to grow our region’s economy by £54 billion by 2030
Over the past three years, MEU members have collectively:

  • created more than 1,100 graduate start-ups
  • provided over 22,700 SMEs with consultancy, contract research and facilities
  • provided over 1.2 million learning days of continuing professional development