Professor Martin Jones
University of Staffordshire
Professor Martin Jones took on the role of Vice-Chancellor and Chief Executive of University of Staffordshire on January 1, 2022, having joined as Deputy Vice-Chancellor in 2017.
Professor Jones has led on a broad portfolio of areas including academic and strategic planning, civic engagement, University of Staffordshire’s Multi-Academy Trust, social and economic regeneration, research, enterprise and innovation and infrastructure in terms of estates, digital and technical services.
He is fully committed to the civic role University of Staffordshire plays in improving the regional economy and quality of life in local communities. This includes supporting the development of innovation and enterprise and higher-level skills in industry and business through the University’s Innovation Enterprise Zone.
Originally from Staffordshire, Professor Jones studied for his degree at University of Manchester graduating with a BA and PhD in Human Geography. This helped to shape his extensive career as an interdisciplinary researcher and leader in higher education.
He joined University of Staffordshire from the University of Sheffield, where he was Director of the White Rose Social Science Doctoral Training Centre (WRDTC), and before this Martin previously held a variety of positions at Aberystwyth University over 15 years, including Pro Vice-Chancellor.
Author or editor of 13 books, Professor Jones is highly regarded internationally for economic and political geography. His latest book Cities and Regions in Crisis: The Political Economy of Sub-National Economic Development was awarded the Regional Studies Association Best Book award 2021. He has also given evidence to UK Government Select Committees on skills, business support, and regional development.
Professor Jones is a Fellow of the Academy of Social Sciences and The Royal Society of Arts, holds an honorary professorial position in Oulu, Finland, was awarded the Philip Leverhulme Prize for Geography, and is the originator and co-editor of the journal Territory, Politics, Governance.